bahrain +97334479384
saudi +966562751002

Email Marketing

Transform your email program into a revenue hub with targeted, automated campaigns backed by data and analytics.

Leverage sophisticated segmentation and personalization to refine emails that resonate at each touchpoint along the customer journey.

Our proven email marketing solutions maximize open and click rates that drive conversions, repeat purchases, and loyalty. Databased audience profiles guide the creation of emails tailored for each persona to improve response and lifetime value.

Automation keeps content fresh and relevant, while analytics reveal which messages and offers prompt the highest engagement. We optimize subject lines, calls-to-action,timing, and channels to maximize results across all recipients.


Email Marketing


Clean, simple URL structure :Use short, relevant URLs with keyword phrases. Avoid special characters and unnecessary words.

Clean, simple URL structure :
Use short, relevant URLs with keyword phrases. Avoid special characters and unnecessary words.


Optimized page titles :Include important keywords in page titles within the first 50–60 characters.

Optimized page titles :
Include important keywords in page titles within the first 50–60 characters.

Meta descriptions :Write compelling, accurate meta descriptions for each page that include keywords. Aim for under 160 characters.

Meta descriptions :
Write compelling, accurate meta descriptions for each page that include keywords. Aim for under 160 characters.

Headings with keywords :Use H1, H2, and H3 tags with relevant keywords to structure page content and signal important topics to search engines.

Headings with keywords :
Use H1, H2, and H3 tags with relevant keywords to structure page content and signal important topics to search engines.

Internal linking :Link to relevant internal pages to help search engine spiders crawl pages efficiently and rank them higher.

Internal linking :
Link to relevant internal pages to help search engine spiders crawl pages efficiently and rank them higher.

Image alt text :Add meaningful alt text to all images with relevant keywords that describe the image content.

Image alt text :
Add meaningful alt text to all images with relevant keywords that describe the image content.

Schema markup :Use Schema to provide structured data that search engines can understand and use to show rich results in searches.

Schema markup :
Use Schema to provide structured data that search engines can understand and use to show rich results in searches.


Speed and user experience :Improve page speed and the overall user experience to positively impact SEO rankings.

Speed and user experience :
Improve page speed and the overall user experience to positively impact SEO rankings.

Mobile responsiveness :Ensure pages display and function properly on mobile devices. Google favors mobile-friendly sites.

Mobile responsiveness :
Ensure pages display and function properly on mobile devices. Google favors mobile-friendly sites.


Content :Publish fresh, high-quality content regularly that is optimized for specific keywords and search intent.

Content :
Publish fresh, high-quality content regularly that is optimized for specific keywords and search intent.

Backlinks :Build relevant backlinks from authoritative, high-DA websites to improve domain authority and trust.

Backlinks :
Build relevant backlinks from authoritative, high-DA websites to improve domain authority and trust.

Site speed :Monitor and improve page load speed to meet Google's speed guidelines and boost rankings.

Site speed :
Monitor and improve page load speed to meet Google's speed guidelines and boost rankings.