bahrain +97334479384
saudi +966562751002

EM Whats

A cloud system that you can access from your mobile phone or your PC, and through it you can communicate with all your customers with ease by sending offers and marketing for your products. With the click of a button, your message arrives, and your offer reaches tens of thousands of your customers. The system sends an unlimited number of messages without a maximum or a specific number of times that you can benefit from them in communicating with your customers or marketing your product.



Why Choose EM Whats

Because now everything has become on WhatsApp, and our lives have become much simpler than before after our main dependence on WhatsApp for everything, through easy and fast communication, receiving requests from customers, and sending messages and offers to them directly. Who among us today does not have WhatsApp? Almost no one, because it has become a necessity in our daily lives.

EM Whats


Frequently Asked Questions

- Can i send thousands of messages?
It is possible, but you have to be careful because sending to numbers that do not have prior contact or are not interested in what you are sending will display your number for ban from WhatsApp, the program to communicate with your customers, and you can send your business news and offers to them even if they are large numbers. Ask technical support to send you the correct method of transmission